What do you do with the time saved by using Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator?

The average woman spends 30 minutes blow drying her hair every day, but Batiste BDA can help cut some of that time out, without neglecting our hair!

You've been the lucky ones to discover Batiste BDA, and we’d love to hear from you!

Let us know how you enjoy some extra time!

What do you do with the time saved by Batiste Blow Dry Accelerator?

Start my day relaxed

70 votes, 36%

Have a nice stretch

7 votes, 4%

Take a longer shower

41 votes, 21%

Have a second coffee at home before I hit the road

48 votes, 24%

Call my friends and have a catch up

8 votes, 4%

Enjoy a short walk on the way to work

6 votes, 3%

Go to work early and crack on with it

16 votes, 8%

If you helped your friends discover Batiste Smoothing Blow Dry Accelerator be sure to collect their thoughts by way of the "Spread the word" sheets included in your kit, and upload them here:

Upload your friends' "spread the word" sheets, here

@all: What do you do with your extra time?