Our tasks: Together we make Irish households safer for little ones

Check out this reminder of all the tasks we need to complete. Please help spread this very important message to as many parents and carers of young children as possible and make this project with Fairy Non Bio a success!

🌐 Share online

  • Take pictures of how you've implemented child safety measures in your household, share them on social media using the hashtags #ChildSafetyAtHome and #FairyNonBio.
  • Let us know you've done so by submit the links you're posting via the online report tool.

🗣 Share samples

  • Give out samples of Fairy Non Bio Pods to fellow parents of young children - make sure they will use them immediately after opening, and keep them out of reach of children.
  • Hand out research cards and remind them to give feedback - the team at Fairy Non Bio care greatly about their feedback.

Thanks for being active trndsters and for showing us you're perfect for future projects! Remember: The more we do, the more homes we can make safe for little ones!

@all: How and where did you share about child safety at home?