Spread the #SoCalFreshness Love! 🌴

We’re halfway through in our California Scents project, and we're already exploring a hundred miles! By now, your starter kit with four delightful California Scents Coronado Cherry Palm Paper samples has reached your hands, and now it's time to share the love! 🙋🙋

Spread the #SoCalFreshness Love! ? Thanks to our fantastic trndsters for the fab shots! 🤗

Get Ready to Share with Your Pals 💬

We're calling upon you to chat with pals who would adore the #SoCalFreshness experience of California Scents. Show them how they'll never have to compromise on a delightful car fragrance again!

Here are some fun ideas to get started:

  1. ...Invite your family for a weekend drive, and share the magical experience of California Scents while discussing the joy of a fresh-smelling ride. Hand out a Palm Paper sample and let them explore the #SoCalFreshness!

  2. ...Bring along your California Scents Palm Paper samples to the gym or your exercise class. While chatting with your exercise buddies about their day, introduce them to the world of #SoCalFreshness. Who wouldn't love a refreshing car experience?

  3. ...Collar your colleagues over coffee at work. Talk about the importance of a delightful car fragrance, and let them in on the secret of California Scents. Hand out a sample and spread the freshness at your workplace!

Capture the Moment! 📸✨

Don't forget to capture these precious moments with your pals, family, and colleagues. Snap some pics, share your experiences, and upload them to your social channels. We can't wait to see the happy faces as they enjoy the samples!

Remember to Include #ad #SoCalFreshness #CaliforniaScents #trndproject in your caption, and tag @trnduk. Share your moments with us too


We're eagerly waiting to see your shares!

@all: What do your friends love most about the California Scents?