One final push…

We’re almost at the end of our project with Regina Blitz. We’ve cleaned, we’ve shared, we’ve compared and now we’re going to have one final push on our project missions and truly go out with a bang!

one-final-push Thanks for the sparkling photos to trndsters Jaypfc, yeoyeo, Caroline100 and xtuppax 🎉

Your missions recapped

Want to be an A* trndster? Make sure you’ve completed all three missions (mission 4 coming later...).

  1. Put Regina Blitz to the test 🧻👍

    By now you should have had ample opportunity to put your Regina Blitz to the test. Try out these super sturdy household towels around your home and garden.

  2. Share your Regina Blitz insider info online 🤳

    Make sure you’ve shared the news about Regina Blitz with your friends and followers. Use #ad #ReginaBlitzIt #ReginaBlitz #WheresMyReginaBlitz and tag @trnduk in all social posts!

    Submit your URLs here

    Submit your screenshots here

    Psst... If you need some inspo check the Wall of Fame or the Project Handbook for some tips and tricks 😉

  3. Tell friends and fam about Regina Blitz 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

    When you find a product that makes your chores quicker and easier, you won’t want to keep the news to yourself! Chat to friends and family, let them know how Regina Blitz compares to other household towels and share your unique "Ask your friends" link with your friends:

    Head to questionnaire link

Coming soon… mission 4

Our final mission, the final survey, will soon be live. Until then keep up the good work, #cleanfluencer team! 🧡

@all: Have you completed all of your mission so far?