Our new Child Safety at Home project in the Republic of Ireland

We're looking for 1,000 parents and carers of young children from the Republic of Ireland to learn from a practical guide to child safety and experience Fairy Non Bio Pods.

Fairy Non Bio

Fairy Non Bio care about child safety in our homes! Most parents are not aware of the hazards for little ones around the home until they enter our lives. That's why this project is so important - we can learn about child safety in the home and take proactive steps to ensure our homes are safe for our little ones. We will have the chance to try out a full pack of Fairy Non Bio Pods and its new child-lock system, and will have many samples and safety tips to share with fellow parents and carers of young children.

After all, we want all kids everywhere to be safe and happy when at home! handbook

Don't miss this unique opportunity. Apply now and share this project with other parents and carers of young children. It will only take a few minutes.

Application is now closed

@all - what is it about this project that excites you the most?