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Teams of trndsters will have a chance to be part of our #LaundryDreamTeam project.

300 participants
Household Cleaning
02/07/2020 to 17/08/2020

Welcome to the #LaundryDreamTeam Wall of Fame!

Here, we take a look at posts created by our fellow Dream Team members that stood out and turned out to be stunning! This is the place for you to get some inspiration, and create something truly special with the #LaundryDreamTeam.

If you want to be a part of the Wall of Fame, make sure you use the project hashtags and tag @trnduk in your post then submit the post’s URL to the Online Report Tool, and who knows? Your post might just make it here for hundreds of trndsters to see! 😉

Submit Your URLs here!


1 Comment

HOLLIETOYNEBEE-SMITH Verified • 3 years ago

These posts are great loved seeing hpw creative people get with their pics and definatley have some inspiration for future projects. Have loved being a psrt of the lavender team and my washing has never smelt better. When my twin boys arrive in a couple of months ill be washing their clothes, particularly their night clothing, in this wonderful scent to help encourage relaxation and sleep 😍