We share our opinion with others on the internet.

When it comes to buying new toys for our little ones to play with, most of us read online reviews to help us make the right choice. As a member of trnd and participants in this project, we’re in the unique position to share our honest opinions about the products we try out and help other mums and dads who are considering purchasing them.

  • Online review contributed from our trndster Cozypowell

    Online review contributed from our trndster Cozypowell

  • Online review contributed from our trndster Charstarlsl

    Online review contributed from our trndster Charstarlsl

  • Online review contributed from our trndster Raslap

    Online review contributed from our trndster Raslap

  • Online review contribution from our trndster Honeyh

    Online review contribution from our trndster Honeyh

Here are our top tips for writing an impactful and honest review on the Internet:

  1. Quality over Quantity

    A review doesn’t need to be a huge block of text describing, in great detail, every single aspect of the product. The message you get across is much more important than the amount you write, so think about what you like to know when you’re looking at reviews and simply jot that down. e.g. “My 4 year old loves her Toniebox! It’s simple to use, she loves choosing her own stories and the amount of time she spends on screens has halved.”

  2. What to write about

    If you’re stuck for what to write, a good place to start with most products might be:

    • How easy is it to use?
    • Do you like the colour and design?
    • Has it helped you to reduce the amount of time your little one spends on screens?
  3. Star ratings

    A star rating is a great snapshot of your opinion, but it’s important to remember that what might be a 4/5 to you could 5/5 to someone else! Star ratings become really useful to a reader when in context, so make sure you detail what it is that you really like about the product. e.g. “5 stars! He can’t wait for bedtime now he knows he can choose his own stories on his Toniebox!”

  4. Always be honest

    It should really go without saying, but only honest word of mouth can work. This means never concealing our position or exaggerating our opinions.

Submit the link(s) to your online postings.

As soon as you have published your contribution, make sure that you send us the direct link to your contribution via your trnd home area. In this way, you have proven your contribution to our project and made sure that we have noticed it.

Your trnd home area

@all: What do your little ones actually say about the Toniebox? Share your cutest moments with us! :-)